MIraGE Training provided useful information for employers from Slobozia city, Romania!
Employers from Slobozia - prepared and informed about integration of TCNs into the Romanian labour market The 3rd training for employers from Romania took place in Slobozia city. The event held with the support of the...
The MIraGE Trainings for employers arrived at Constanta, Romania!
Employers from Constanta expressed their interest of recruiting and hiring TCNs On 3rd of June 2021 the employers from Constanta County, interested in recruiting and hiring foreign citizens participated at the MIraGE...
A TCN’S pocket guide to success in Hungary
Navigating the ‘Work Permit’ in Hungary - Part 3: What do TCNs need to do? In our last article, Part 2 - Popping the “Big Question” to your Hungarian Employer, we went into the nitty gritty of how and what to ask your...