Migrant Integration
for Growth in Europe
for Growth
in Europe

The project
MIraGE works to increase the swift access and integration of third-country nationals into the labour market of their European host countries.
MIraGE is a 3-year project co-funded by the European Union (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund), run by 12 partners from 8 European countries (Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, France, Austria, Cyprus, Romania, Hungary).

The project
MIraGE works to increase the swift access and integration of third-country nationals into the labour market of their European host countries.
MIraGE is a 3-year project co-funded by the European Union (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund), run by 12 partners from 8 European countries (Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, France, Austria, Cyprus, Romania, Hungary).

Sign up for the training course
In Spring 2020 we will launch two distinct and tailored training programs specifically designed to address the training needs of both employers and TCNs. The courses will take place in Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, France, Austria, Cyprus, Romania, Hungary. Full details of the programs will be available soon on this website.
Participation on the training courses is free, however places are limited so we recommend that you register as soon as possible.
Sign up for the training course
In January 2020 we will launch two distinct and tailored training programs specifically designed to address the training needs of both employers and TCNs. The courses will take place in Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, France, Austria, Cyprus, Romania, Hungary. Full details of the programs will be available on this website from November 2019.
Participation on the training courses is free, however places are limited so we recommend that you register as soon as possible.
To register, please fill in the information on the first form if you are an employer, and on the second form if you are a Third Country National.
You will be informed about the location and the dates of the training courses as soon as these are confirmed.
Project Partners